Medexer Unites with Gilead Medical Center, and Life Bank to Promote Blood Donation and Healthy Living.

1st July, 2023

Medexer is excited to announce its partnership with Gilead Medical Center and Life Bank to co-sponsor a grassroots football tournament in support of blood donation and healthy living. This exciting event will bring together sports enthusiasts and advocates for a healthier society, and will serve as a platform for Medexer to promote its mission of improving the health and well-being of individuals and communities.

Promoting Blood Donation

Blood donation is a crucial act of generosity that saves countless lives. Medexer is committed to raising awareness about the importance of blood donation, and believes that by combining the spirit of sports with a noble cause, it can inspire individuals to become regular blood donors and make a positive impact on their communities.

Empowering Healthy Living:

Sports play a significant role in promoting a healthy lifestyle. Medexer is passionate about empowering individuals to embrace a healthy lifestyle and make informed choices about their well-being.

Through this event, Medexer aims to inspire participants to prioritize their health, engage in regular exercise, and adopt healthy habits. The kick off of the tournament was between All Stars Academy and 360 FC on the 30th of June, 2023.

Community Engagement:

Community engagement is at the heart of Medexer’s mission. The grassroots football tournament provides an opportunity for Medexer to connect with the local community and spread awareness about the importance of blood donation. Medexer envisions this event as a catalyst for meaningful conversations, where participants and spectators can learn about the impact of blood donation on patient care and understand the role they can play in saving lives.

Medexer is proud to be a part of this important event, and is committed to making a difference in the lives of others through blood donation and healthy living. Medexer invites everyone to join them in this exhilarating event, be it as participants, supporters, or volunteers, as they come together to make a difference, one kick at a time. Together, we can create a healthier future for all.