Last Updated: 31st July 2023

Medexer Donor App is a mobile application that connects blood donors with authorised blood donation centres; it communicates donation requests from the donation centres to the donors, all of whom are registered with Medexer Limited. 

Medexer Limited (‘Medexer’), a private company limited by shares (RC 6906691) registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission in Nigeria is the holder of rights, service provider and operator of the Medexer Donor App.

  • Using the Medexer Donor App
  • The use of the Medexer Donor App requires the installation of the software and registration of a user account. During the registration of the Medexer Donor App, the mobile number, and a recognized means of identification of the Blood Donor are linked to the respective user account and added to the database.
  • When using the Medexer Donor App, the user will be allowed to make certain preference settings as they wish to customise their experience.
  • Any complaints can be sent to our support team via email at info@medexer.com.ng or by calling our support line +234—– (available on weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm W.A.T).
  • Compensation
  • You are not entitled to be paid for any blood donation you make as this is illegal and we are in no way contracting the sale of blood. Your donation will help save someone’s life and that is what we are after. And you hereby absolve us and our partners of any obligation to you for any payment for blood donation.
  • You are entitled to compensation for your transportation fare and any reasonable additional financial or material contribution the donation centre is willing to make for each instance you make a successful blood donation at a donation centre.
      1. You may be obliged to provide your bank details in the course of filling in the payment details upon registration. 
  • Upon successful donation at the donation centre, the centre shall make any and all payments of compensation and donation due to you. The resolution of any payment-related disputes takes place through Medexer. The contact for Medexer’s payment support service is info@medexer.com.ng – Inquiries submitted by e-mail shall receive a response within 5 working days.
  • Accepting or cancelling a Donation Request
  • If the Medexer Donor App user receives a donation request and has confirmed availability to donate, then such donation would be considered in progress.
  • Cancelling an in-progress donation is highly not advised as the donation centre may be dependent on that donation to attend to a life-saving emergency. But in any event, cancellation is a situation where the donation centre has been notified about the receipt of an acceptance-to-donate and the Medexer Donor App user waives the donation after a notice has been received.
  • In case of cancelling an in-progress donation, the Medexer Donor App user is required to inform the donation centre as soon as he or she cannot fulfil the donation request.
  • We have the right to revoke the right to use the app if the user has waived an in-progress donation on 3 successive instances. In that case, the app notifies the user about the number of cancellations and after waiving the 3rd time, Medexer may cancel the usage right. A user who has lost usage access and seeks to gain access again must write to Medexer explaining extensively with supported documentation why he/she should be relisted as a donor on the database. Access to the app can also be revoked because of harassment, providing false information/allegations, and engaging in any criminal activities.
  • You shall not be entitled to any compensation when you cancel a donation request or you refuse to donate after showing up at the donation centre. And, you may be liable to pay the donation centre an amount of compensation fee when you fail to show up at the donation centre or you show up and refuse to make a donation for no justifiable reason.
  • Use of the Medexer Donor App
  • Medexer Donor App is a mobile application that enables blood donation centres requiring blood donation to find a suitable and willing donor closest to them or for any willing blood donor to find a donation centre receiving blood donations.
  • The use of the Medexer Donor App is based on a non-exclusive licence issued by Medexer Limited. The licence agreement is valid for a non-limited period and is free of charge for the donor. In case of any faults in the software, we shall endeavour to correct them as soon as possible, but please keep in mind that the functionality of the app may be restricted due to occasional technical errors, and we are not able to always guarantee unlimited faultless functioning of the app. We shall also accept no liability for any losses incurred because of the Medexer Donor App not functioning or not being usable in the desired manner. If the donor’s right to use the app is cancelled, the corresponding non-exclusive licence shall also be repealed.
  • As the Medexer Donor App is primarily a link between donors and authorised blood donation centres, Medexer cannot influence or take any responsibility for the quality or defects of the service offered at donation centres. Donation centres are not employees; for this reason, we cannot guarantee the consistently accurate and faultless provision of service received at the donation centre. For resolving complaints, please contact our support team (referred to in clause 1.3).
  • The Medexer Donor App does not constitute an offer or brokerage of blood donation services. The Medexer Donor App is not a means for organising the provision of blood donation services. It is also not an agency service for finding donors for donation centres.
  • Except as otherwise provided by the donation centre, a donor matched under the application shall be responsible for providing their transportation to the donation centre, the most efficient route will be shown to the donor on how to get to the donation centre in the Medexer Donor App. All reasonable expenses incurred in the transportation shall be incentivized by the Donation Centre through the Medexer Donor App. 
      1. Notwithstanding anything mentioned in these terms, you retain the sole right to determine when you are making a blood donation. You shall accept, decline or ignore blood donation requests made by donation centres of your choosing.
      2. Similarly, a blood donation centre has the right to accept, decline or ignore a blood donation request from you at their choosing. You must not compel, coerce or fraudulently mislead a donation centre to accept a donation request when they do not want to or do not believe you to be capable of donating. Any liability that arises from this would solely be on you and not the blood donation centre.
  • A donor must be at least 18 years old and above to register and donate. 
  • By registering an account with Medexer, a donor shall accept the following conditions:
  • Medexer shall have the right to add the personal data of the app user to the Medexer database and to forward the personal data to authorised blood donation centres in accordance with Medexer’s Privacy Policy (https://www.medexer.com.ng/legal/).
  • Medexer shall have a right to make unilateral amendments to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy and to relinquish the database to third parties. We may notify users of changes to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
  • Medexer shall be entitled to transfer the database of personal data to third parties without prior notification of the app users. In case of a transfer of the business or the database, the rights and conditions arising from this licence agreement shall be transferred as well.
  • Medexer shall be entitled to forward personal data and bank data to mobile payment intermediaries.
  • Medexer has the right to send marketing messages and authentication codes through SMS and email.
  • Good practice of using the Medexer Donor App
  • As Medexer is not a provider or broker of the blood donation service, we are unable to influence the quality of the donation centre service. Any issues with defects or quality of the donation centre service shall be resolved in accordance with the rules and regulations of the authorised blood donation centre or the relevant supervisory authority.
  • Medexer is committed to contributing to the improvement of the quality of blood donation services. For this reason, we continuously collate ratings and ask you to fill out a feedback form in the Medexer Donor App. This enables us to offer suggestions to the authorised blood donation centres for improving the quality of their service.
  • We expect that the users of the Medexer Donor App use the app in good faith and are respectful of the donation centres that place donation requests through the Medexer Donor app.
  • Medexer shall make every effort to ensure that only authorised donation centres, who have integrity and are respectful of their profession and customers, have access to donor data as described in Blood Donor Privacy Policy. However, we are in no position to guarantee that every provider of blood donation services, located via the Medexer Donor App, always satisfies the criteria. If you experience objectionable service at a donation centre, please notify the company responsible for the service, a supervisory authority, or our support team (referred to in clause 1.3).
  • If we receive a complaint, which has an element of the commission of a crime by a donation centre, the donor shall make a formal complaint to the Nigerian Police Force, a report is tendered, and the donation centre shall cooperate with the Nigeria Police Force in ensuring that the allegations contained in the complaint are diligently investigated. Any costs arising from this process or as a result of any damage you made to a donation centre will be fully borne by you.
  • If a user makes an allegation against a donation centre, especially in events where details of the donation centre are shared online, the donation centre reserves the right to seek legal redress and may pursue legal recourse against damages to their character.